
Dr. Ehsan Ardjmand is an Assistant Professor of Business Analytics at Ohio University. His research focus is on applications of predictive and prescriptive analytics in operations and supply chain where he has developed a variety of artificial intelligence, statistical, and optimization methodologies and applications. Dr. Ardjmand has taught graduate and undergraduate level courses in business analytics, information systems, and operations management in both online and face-to-face environments, and has fifteen years of industry and consulting experience in retail, supply chain, software development, and manufacturing domains.

Dr. Ardjmand's research interests lie in contemporary predictive and prescriptive business analytics problems where converging domains of artificial intelligence, networks, information systems and operations management intersect. He has extensively researched algorithms related to the optimization problems observed in machine learning, operations and networks, and has published several papers in journals such as 'European Journal of Operational Research,' 'Expert Systems with Applications,' and 'International Journal of Production Economics.'